 * TbButtonGroup class file.
 * @author Christoffer Niska <ChristofferNiska@gmail.com>
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; Christoffer Niska 2011-
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @package bootstrap.widgets
 * @since 0.9.10


 * Bootstrap button group widget.
 * @see http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/components.html#buttonGroups
class TbButtonGroup extends CWidget
	// Toggle options.
	const TOGGLE_CHECKBOX = 'checkbox';
	const TOGGLE_RADIO = 'radio';

	 * @var string the button callback type.
	 * @see BootButton::buttonType
	public $buttonType = TbButton::BUTTON_LINK;
	 * @var string the button type.
	 * @see BootButton::type
	public $type;
	 * @var string the button size.
	 * @see BootButton::size
	public $size;
	 * @var boolean indicates whether to encode the button labels.
	public $encodeLabel = true;
	 * @var array the HTML attributes for the widget container.
	public $htmlOptions = array();
	 * @var array the button configuration.
	public $buttons = array();
	 * @var boolean indicates whether to enable button toggling.
	public $toggle;
	 * @var boolean indicates whether the button group appears vertically stacked. Defaults to 'false'.
	public $stacked = false;
	 * @var boolean indicates whether dropdowns should be dropups instead. Defaults to 'false'.
	public $dropup = false;

	 * Initializes the widget.
	public function init()
		$classes = array('btn-group');

		if ($this->stacked === true)
			$classes[] = 'btn-group-vertical';

		if ($this->dropup === true)
			$classes[] = 'dropup';

		if (!empty($classes))
			$classes = implode(' ', $classes);
			if (isset($this->htmlOptions['class']))
				$this->htmlOptions['class'] .= ' '.$classes;
				$this->htmlOptions['class'] = $classes;

		$validToggles = array(self::TOGGLE_CHECKBOX, self::TOGGLE_RADIO);

		if (isset($this->toggle) && in_array($this->toggle, $validToggles))
			$this->htmlOptions['data-toggle'] = 'buttons-'.$this->toggle;

	 * Runs the widget.
	public function run()
		echo CHtml::openTag('div', $this->htmlOptions);

		foreach ($this->buttons as $button)
			if (isset($button['visible']) && $button['visible'] === false)

			$this->controller->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array(
				'buttonType'=>isset($button['buttonType']) ? $button['buttonType'] : $this->buttonType,
				'type'=>isset($button['type']) ? $button['type'] : $this->type,
				'size'=>$this->size, // all buttons in a group cannot vary in size
				'icon'=>isset($button['icon']) ? $button['icon'] : null,
				'label'=>isset($button['label']) ? $button['label'] : null,
				'url'=>isset($button['url']) ? $button['url'] : null,
				'active'=>isset($button['active']) ? $button['active'] : false,
				'items'=>isset($button['items']) ? $button['items'] : array(),
				'ajaxOptions'=>isset($button['ajaxOptions']) ? $button['ajaxOptions'] : array(),
				'htmlOptions'=>isset($button['htmlOptions']) ? $button['htmlOptions'] : array(),
				'encodeLabel'=>isset($button['encodeLabel']) ? $button['encodeLabel'] : $this->encodeLabel,

		echo '</div>';