<?php /** * TbInput class file. * @author Christoffer Niska <ChristofferNiska@gmail.com> * @copyright Copyright © Christoffer Niska 2011- * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @package bootstrap.widgets.input */ /** * Bootstrap input widget. * Used for rendering inputs according to Bootstrap standards. */ abstract class TbInput extends CInputWidget { // The different input types. const TYPE_CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'; const TYPE_CHECKBOXLIST = 'checkboxlist'; const TYPE_CHECKBOXLIST_INLINE = 'checkboxlist_inline'; const TYPE_DROPDOWN = 'dropdownlist'; const TYPE_FILE = 'filefield'; const TYPE_PASSWORD = 'password'; const TYPE_RADIO = 'radiobutton'; const TYPE_RADIOLIST = 'radiobuttonlist'; const TYPE_RADIOLIST_INLINE = 'radiobuttonlist_inline'; const TYPE_TEXTAREA = 'textarea'; const TYPE_TEXT = 'textfield'; const TYPE_CAPTCHA = 'captcha'; const TYPE_UNEDITABLE = 'uneditable'; const TYPE_DATEPICKER = 'datepicker'; const TYPE_DATETIMEPICKER = 'datetimepicker'; const TYPE_TIMEPICKER = 'timepicker'; const TYPE_REDACTOR = 'redactor'; const TYPE_HTML5EDITOR = 'wysihtml5'; const TYPE_DATERANGEPICKER = 'daterangepicker'; const TYPE_TOGGLEBUTTON = 'togglebutton'; /** * @var TbActiveForm the associated form widget. */ public $form; /** * @var string the input label text. */ public $label; /** * @var string the input type. * Following types are supported: checkbox, checkboxlist, dropdownlist, filefield, password, * radiobutton, radiobuttonlist, textarea, textfield, captcha and uneditable. */ public $type; /** * @var array the data for list inputs. */ public $data = array(); /** * @var string text to prepend. */ public $prependText; /** * @var string text to append. */ public $appendText; /** * @var string the hint text. */ public $hintText; /** * @var array label html attributes. */ public $labelOptions = array(); /** * @var array prepend html attributes. */ public $prependOptions = array(); /** * @var array append html attributes. */ public $appendOptions = array(); /** * @var array hint html attributes. */ public $hintOptions = array(); /** * @var array error html attributes. */ public $errorOptions = array(); /** * @var array captcha html attributes. */ public $captchaOptions = array(); /** * Initializes the widget. * @throws CException if the widget could not be initialized. */ public function init() { if (!isset($this->form)) throw new CException(__CLASS__ . ': Failed to initialize widget! Form is not set.'); if (!isset($this->model)) throw new CException(__CLASS__ . ': Failed to initialize widget! Model is not set.'); if (!isset($this->type)) throw new CException(__CLASS__ . ': Failed to initialize widget! Input type is not set.'); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_UNEDITABLE) { if (isset($this->htmlOptions['class'])) $this->htmlOptions['class'] .= ' uneditable-input'; else $this->htmlOptions['class'] = 'uneditable-input'; } $this->processHtmlOptions(); } /** * Processes the html options. */ protected function processHtmlOptions() { if (isset($this->htmlOptions['prepend'])) { $this->prependText = $this->htmlOptions['prepend']; unset($this->htmlOptions['prepend']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['append'])) { $this->appendText = $this->htmlOptions['append']; unset($this->htmlOptions['append']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['hint'])) { $this->hintText = $this->htmlOptions['hint']; unset($this->htmlOptions['hint']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['labelOptions'])) { $this->labelOptions = $this->htmlOptions['labelOptions']; unset($this->htmlOptions['labelOptions']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['prependOptions'])) { $this->prependOptions = $this->htmlOptions['prependOptions']; unset($this->htmlOptions['prependOptions']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['appendOptions'])) { $this->appendOptions = $this->htmlOptions['appendOptions']; unset($this->htmlOptions['appendOptions']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['hintOptions'])) { $this->hintOptions = $this->htmlOptions['hintOptions']; unset($this->htmlOptions['hintOptions']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['errorOptions'])) { $this->errorOptions = $this->htmlOptions['errorOptions']; unset($this->htmlOptions['errorOptions']); } if (isset($this->htmlOptions['captchaOptions'])) { $this->captchaOptions = $this->htmlOptions['captchaOptions']; unset($this->htmlOptions['captchaOptions']); } } /** * Runs the widget. * @throws CException if the widget type is invalid. */ public function run() { switch ($this->type) { case self::TYPE_CHECKBOX: $this->checkBox(); break; case self::TYPE_CHECKBOXLIST: $this->checkBoxList(); break; case self::TYPE_CHECKBOXLIST_INLINE: $this->checkBoxListInline(); break; case self::TYPE_DROPDOWN: $this->dropDownList(); break; case self::TYPE_FILE: $this->fileField(); break; case self::TYPE_PASSWORD: $this->passwordField(); break; case self::TYPE_RADIO: $this->radioButton(); break; case self::TYPE_RADIOLIST: $this->radioButtonList(); break; case self::TYPE_RADIOLIST_INLINE: $this->radioButtonListInline(); break; case self::TYPE_TEXTAREA: $this->textArea(); break; case self::TYPE_TEXT: $this->textField(); break; case self::TYPE_CAPTCHA: $this->captcha(); break; case self::TYPE_UNEDITABLE: $this->uneditableField(); break; case self::TYPE_DATEPICKER: $this->datepickerField(); break; case self::TYPE_DATETIMEPICKER: $this->datetimepickerField(); break; case self::TYPE_TIMEPICKER: $this->timepickerField(); break; case self::TYPE_REDACTOR: $this->redactorJs(); break; case self::TYPE_HTML5EDITOR: $this->html5Editor(); break; case self::TYPE_DATERANGEPICKER: $this->dateRangeField(); break; case self::TYPE_TOGGLEBUTTON: $this->toggleButton(); break; default: throw new CException(__CLASS__ . ': Failed to run widget! Type is invalid.'); } } /** * Returns the label for the input. * @return string the label */ protected function getLabel() { if ($this->label !== false && !in_array($this->type, array('checkbox', 'radio')) && $this->hasModel()) return $this->form->labelEx($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->labelOptions); else if ($this->label !== null) return $this->label; else return ''; } /** * Returns the prepend element for the input. * @return string the element */ protected function getPrepend() { if ($this->hasAddOn()) { $htmlOptions = $this->prependOptions; if (isset($htmlOptions['class'])) $htmlOptions['class'] .= ' add-on'; else $htmlOptions['class'] = 'add-on'; ob_start(); echo '<div class="' . $this->getAddonCssClass() . '">'; if (isset($this->prependText)) echo CHtml::tag('span', $htmlOptions, $this->prependText); return ob_get_clean(); } else return ''; } /** * Returns the append element for the input. * @return string the element */ protected function getAppend() { if ($this->hasAddOn()) { $htmlOptions = $this->appendOptions; if (isset($htmlOptions['class'])) $htmlOptions['class'] .= ' add-on'; else $htmlOptions['class'] = 'add-on'; ob_start(); if (isset($this->appendText)) echo CHtml::tag('span', $htmlOptions, $this->appendText); echo '</div>'; return ob_get_clean(); } else return ''; } /** * Returns the id that should be used for the specified attribute * @param string $attribute the attribute * @return string the id */ protected function getAttributeId($attribute) { return isset($this->htmlOptions['id']) ? $this->htmlOptions['id'] : CHtml::getIdByName(CHtml::resolveName($this->model, $attribute)); } /** * Returns the error text for the input. * @return string the error text */ protected function getError() { return $this->form->error($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->errorOptions); } /** * Returns the hint text for the input. * @return string the hint text */ protected function getHint() { if (isset($this->hintText)) { $htmlOptions = $this->hintOptions; if (isset($htmlOptions['class'])) $htmlOptions['class'] .= ' help-block'; else $htmlOptions['class'] = 'help-block'; return CHtml::tag('p', $htmlOptions, $this->hintText); } else return ''; } /** * Returns the container CSS class for the input. * @return string the CSS class */ protected function getContainerCssClass() { $attribute = $this->attribute; return $this->model->hasErrors(CHtml::resolveName($this->model, $attribute)) ? CHtml::$errorCss : ''; } /** * Returns the input container CSS classes. * @return string the CSS class */ protected function getAddonCssClass() { $classes = array(); if (isset($this->prependText)) $classes[] = 'input-prepend'; if (isset($this->appendText)) $classes[] = 'input-append'; return implode(' ', $classes); } /** * Returns whether the input has an add-on (prepend and/or append). * @return boolean the result */ protected function hasAddOn() { return isset($this->prependText) || isset($this->appendText); } /** * Renders a checkbox. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function checkBox(); /** * Renders a toggle button. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function toggleButton(); /** * Renders a list of checkboxes. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function checkBoxList(); /** * Renders a list of inline checkboxes. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function checkBoxListInline(); /** * Renders a drop down list (select). * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function dropDownList(); /** * Renders a file field. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function fileField(); /** * Renders a password field. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function passwordField(); /** * Renders a radio button. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function radioButton(); /** * Renders a list of radio buttons. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function radioButtonList(); /** * Renders a list of inline radio buttons. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function radioButtonListInline(); /** * Renders a textarea. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function textArea(); /** * Renders a text field. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function textField(); /** * Renders a CAPTCHA. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function captcha(); /** * Renders an uneditable field. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function uneditableField(); /** * Renders a datepicker field. * @return string the rendered content * @abstract */ abstract protected function datepickerField(); abstract protected function datetimepickerField(); abstract protected function timepickerField(); /** * Renders a redactorJS wysiwyg field. * @abstract * @return mixed */ abstract protected function redactorJs(); /** * Renders a bootstrap wysihtml5 editor. * @abstract * @return mixed */ abstract protected function html5Editor(); /** * Renders a daterange picker field * @abstract * @return mixed */ abstract protected function dateRangeField(); }