<?php class SiteController extends Controller { public $layout='column1'; /** * Declares class-based actions. */ public function actions() { return array( // captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image displayed on the contact page 'captcha'=>array( 'class'=>'CCaptchaAction', 'backColor'=>0xFFFFFF, ), // page action renders "static" pages stored under 'protected/views/site/pages' // They can be accessed via: index.php?r=site/page&view=FileName 'page'=>array( 'class'=>'CViewAction', ), ); } /** * This is the action to handle external exceptions. */ public function actionError() { if($error=Yii::app()->errorHandler->error) { if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) echo $error['message']; else $this->render('error', $error); } } /** * Displays the contact page */ public function actionContact() { $model=new ContactForm; if(isset($_POST['ContactForm'])) { $model->attributes=$_POST['ContactForm']; if($model->validate()) { $headers="From: {$model->email}\r\nReply-To: {$model->email}"; mail(Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'],$model->subject,$model->body,$headers); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('contact','Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.'); $this->refresh(); } } $this->render('contact',array('model'=>$model)); } /** * Displays the login page */ public function actionLogin() { $model=new LoginForm; // if it is ajax validation request if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='login-form') { echo CActiveForm::validate($model); Yii::app()->end(); } // collect user input data if(isset($_POST['LoginForm'])) { $model->attributes=$_POST['LoginForm']; // validate user input and redirect to the previous page if valid if($model->validate() && $model->login()) $this->redirect(Yii::app()->user->returnUrl); } // display the login form $this->render('login',array('model'=>$model)); } /** * Logs out the current user and redirect to homepage. */ public function actionLogout() { Yii::app()->user->logout(); $this->redirect(Yii::app()->homeUrl); } }