Commit 87e59ac1 authored by Mario Chirinos's avatar Mario Chirinos

data tables

parent 7f8e83ec
......@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ def wsNewsListTable(request):#, publisherShortName="all"):
for n in news:
row = list()
txt = ("?text="+ request.GET['text'] ) if ("text" in request.GET) or (request.GET["text"] is not None) else ""
txt = ("?text="+ request.GET['text'] ) if ("text" in request.GET) and (request.GET["text"] is not None) else ""
row.append('<a href="'+reverse('news-details', args =(,) )+txt+'">'+ n.title+ '</a>')
row.append('<a href="'+n.url+'" target="blank">'+n.publisher.shortName+'</a>')
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