
parent 96fd51ff
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ do
cd ..
if [ ! -e rgbCroped/$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1".jpg" ]; then
if [ ! -e $JP2DIR"rgbCroped/"$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1".jpg" ]; then
# gdal_translate -projwin $BOX -projwin_srs WGS84 -ot Byte -scale 0 4096 0 255 -of JPEG rgb/$fileout2"_"$fileout1".tiff" rgb/$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1".jpg"
gdal_translate -projwin $BOX -projwin_srs WGS84 -ot Byte -scale 0 4096 0 255 -of JPEG $filename"TCI_10m.jp2" $JP2DIR"rgbCroped/"$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1"10m.jpg"
## convert rgb/$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1"_t.jpg" -resize 640x480\! rgb/$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1".jpg"
## rm rgb/$fileout1/$fileout2"_"$fileout1"_t.jpg"
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