## Extract Images from Product ZIP File (`L2AProductListExtractData.sh`)
This script will extract form all the products in a directory the True Colour images (TCI) at 10m and 20m resolution and the Scene Clarification Map at 20m. The files will be saved in subdirectories named with the date of the product.
## Find Local Products(`geosentinel/findProducts.py`)
This script finds sentinel products in a local directory that match a [sentinel API](https://github.com/sentinelsat/sentinelsat) query and and creates symbolic links of this local files to and other directory.
## Extract Images from Product ZIP File (`L2AProductListExtractData.sh`)
This script will extract form all the products in a directory the True Colour images (TCI) at 10m and 20m resolution and the Scene Clarification Map at 20m. The files will be saved in subdirectories named with the date of the product.
## Merge Images Within a Polygon by Directory (`mergeImagesByDirectory.sh`)
This script uses `gdal_merge.py` and `gdal_translate` to merge all the images within a directory and to crop the result using the bounding box of the input polygon.