_view.php 875 Bytes
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 * This is the template for generating the partial view for rendering a single model.
 * The following variables are available in this template:
 * - $ID: the primary key name
 * - $modelClass: the model class name
 * - $columns: a list of column schema objects
<div class="view">

echo "\t<b><?php echo CHtml::encode(\$data->getAttributeLabel('{$ID}')); ?>:</b>\n";
echo "\t<?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(\$data->{$ID}), array('view', 'id'=>\$data->{$ID})); ?>\n\t<br />\n\n";
foreach($columns as $column)
		echo "\t<?php /*\n";
	echo "\t<b><?php echo CHtml::encode(\$data->getAttributeLabel('{$column->name}')); ?>:</b>\n";
	echo "\t<?php echo CHtml::encode(\$data->{$column->name}); ?>\n\t<br />\n\n";
	echo "\t*/ ?>\n";
