((c.reltuples/case when c.relpages=0 then 1 else c.relpages end) * (pg_relation_size(c.oid) / (current_setting('block_size')::integer)))::bigint as estimated_rows
((c.reltuples/case when c.relpages=0 then 1 else c.relpages end) * (pg_relation_size(c.oid) / (current_setting('block_size')::integer)))::bigint as estimated_rows,
case when relkind='r' then 'table' when relkind='v' then 'view' when relkind='m' then 'mview' when relkind='f' then 'ftable' else 'other(' || relkind || ')' end table_type
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid AND NOT a.attisdropped
JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid
@@ -53,6 +54,39 @@ const sql = () => {
* responses:
* 200:
* description: list of layers
* content:
* application/json
* schema:
* type: array
* items:
* type: object
* properties:
* f_table_catalog:
* description: name of database (group of tables)
* type: string
* f_table_schema:
* description: schema name (sub-group of tables)
* type: string
* f_table_name:
* description: name of table or view
* type: string
* f_geometry_column:
* description: name of geometry column for geometries
* type: string
* coord_dimension:
* description: number of dimensions, usually 2 or 3
* type: integer
* srid:
* description: EPSG id of spatial reference system (4326=WGS 84/GPS coordinates, 3857=webmercator coordinates)
* type: integer
* estimated_rows:
* description: estimated number of rows in table, 0 (unknown) for views or foreign tables
* type: integer
* table_type:
* description: type of table, 1 of 'table', 'view', 'mview' (material view), 'ftable' (foreign table), 'other'